The Self-Help WILL© For Groups
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The Self-Help WILL© For Groups
Professional. Secure. Easy. Affordable.

The Self-Help WILL

For Groups

Webinar Registrations and Purchases For Private Small Groups


The Self-help Will


The Self-Help Children’s trust

Webinars & Materials

Professional. Secure. Easy. Affordable.

…But I Have Promises To Keep, And Miles To Go Before I Sleep, And Miles To Go Before I Sleep. Robert Frost poem -  Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

On-line Live Webinars Offered —

— by pre-scheduled Website Webinars —

— through local Community Education programs —

— or in private small groups of whatever combination —

Attorney James Ramette explains how to write your own WILL, and/or Children’s TRUST, on your computer using the unique, straightforward, and easy-to-use PDF Format of the Self-Help WILL.

Whether you desire to attend a scheduled webinar, create your own private small group webinar, or to purchase only the materials, there are options for you below:

1. To Register For a Pre-Scheduled Live Upcoming Webinar— visit Our Main Website:


2. To Schedule your own Private Small Group Webinar

— Go To: Private Small Group Webinars

3. To Purchase Materials Only, please choose from below:

taught by a lawyer, for non-lawyers

Professional. Secure. Easy. Affordable.

Professionally designed by James E. Ramette, Attorney at Law, you can competently write your WILL easily and in the privacy of your own home. Whether single or married, with or without children, you can update your WILL at any time as your circumstances change.


every adult should have an Individual and Personal will

It is estimated that between 60-75% of Americans have not taken this vital step to protect the integrity of their property rights, or provide for their family and children.

Your will provides important directives

A written plan for the distribution of your probate property, naming guardians for children and an executor who can distribute your property.

what happens if you don't have a will?

Your probate property passes to your heirs by "intestate succession"You cannot decide who receives your property, nor choose guardians for your children --state law determines the priority.



The Self-Help WILL© Class or Webinar is an innovative approach to assist people in writing a legal WILL themselves, on your own computer, with the added benefit of having concerns and questions answered by a licensed attorney. Then, privately, you complete your WILL and/or TRUST.


Private and Secure

With the Self-Help WILL©, you can easily write, and change your WILL at any time--from the privacy of your own home--without having to reveal private matters, even to an attorney.



The 90 minute class or webinar is $125 per participant, and is structured for people with less than $5 Million in assets. Best of all, you can change your WILL at any time for no additional cost. Privately, on your own - without any additional class time needed.

James E. Ramette, Attorney at Law

James E. Ramette, Attorney at Law

more than Thirty five years of legal expertise

Since receiving my law degree from William Mitchell College of Law in 1982,  I have been licensed and in continual good standing with the Minnesota Supreme Court. My practice has concentrated on wills, bankruptcy, real estate, business and corporate law - and I have worked in the federal court system overseeing both civil and criminal matters.

Since 1984, using The Self-Help WILL materials, I have held over 300 seminars and classes throughout the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro-area and in over 15 community education districts, teaching over 4,000 people how to competently write, and update,  an individual and personal WILL;  and also a TRUST to safeguard inheritances for children. Your WILL and TRUST can be easily and legally completed by you, on your computer, and changed/updated at anytime for no additional cost.                                 

Professional. Secure. Easy.  Affordable. 



Interested in writing your own WILL?

Would you like to host a Live On-Line Self-Help WILL Webinar? This is a great way for several people who know each other to easily learn together!

Questions about the process — Please send me an email:

Great general information below:

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Download OUR Info Sheet

Promises to Keep - It will make all the Difference

…But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.

Robert Frost poem -  Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

 …Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. 

Robert Frost poem -  The Road Not Taken